Ever heard of The Power of 20? If you follow The Tree House Inc. on Facebook, Instagram, or have subscribed to our website you probably have. For those of you who are new to our site and social media, I’ll give you all the details you need to know. The Power of 20 is a donation campaign that began in 2016 in celebration of The Tree House Inc.’s 20th anniversary, and still continues today. When I read about this campaign it really stood out to me and the impact that it could have in helping the children and families we serve. When thinking about donating, most people think of large monetary donations. What if I told you that by donating just $20 you could make a huge impact on a child and family.

What if you donated just $20 a week, how would that help a child or family? If you donated $20 a week it would help pay for one family to receive supervised visitation for an entire year! Our organization is one of only a few child advocacy centers that offers supervised visitation. We have staff that oversee this program and also help to transport parents and children to our center so that these visitations can occur.
Donating $20 a month also goes a long way when helping us serve children and families. $20 a month would pay for one child to receive a forensic interview and support services while they walk through the justice system. Could you imagine being a child and having to go through a trauma, then walk through the justice system alone? It can be extremely intimidating for a child. With help from our staff we are able to make the process less stressful and scary, we are able to give the child a safe place to feel the most comfortable when telling their story.
$20 a quarter, how could that help? By donating $20 a quarter it could help pay for one hour of an in-home parent education service to a family in need. Our main goal at The Tree House is to educate on child abuse so that in the end we can prevent it from happening. Education is the greatest gift we can give our families. Learning healthy habits and what a healthy home environment is can help prevent a child from abuse and neglect, which is what our mission is, to strengthen families and help them remain together.

A one time donation of $20 could go a long way as well. This would help pay for therapy supplies for one child that has experienced abuse. We like to have kinetic sand boxes, coloring supplies, playdough, toys, and games in our therapy rooms so that kids feel comfortable when they come to us. Just think if you were a child and it was just you and a therapist in a room with nothing else. Wouldn’t that make you feel uncomfortable? At The Tree House we strive to make kids feel comfortable by providing toys, games, and activities when coming for therapy so they feel more at home, instead of feeling like they are coming into another office to be asked a series of questions about their trauma.
There are many ways that just $20 could help our organization. Helping children and families that have experienced abuse work through their trauma so that they can recover and have a brighter future is our passion. We are very grateful for all the support we have received and continue to receive on a daily basis. Our mission could not be accomplished without our community support. #GreatChildhoodsBeginWithAllOfUs
